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Notion Capital Podcast: Category Thinking with Dave Peterson

By their very nature, most tech businesses are solving a problem customers may not they know they have, or developing a solution the customer doesn’t know they need.

So it’s incumbent on them to think about the problem they are worth solving and then to consider what solving that problem at scale would actually look like. How would it be defined? What would it be called? During the early start up phase this may seem premature, but think of it like this. Assume you are building a technology problem that is truly worth solving on a global basis, someone else could come along – thinking and playing bigger – and end up owning that category by dint of the scale of their ambition and the excellence of their execution...

Thank you to Notion Capital for having Dave as a guest on their podcast.

Read Notion's full blog post summarizing the webinar. 

Haven't read the book yet? Learn more HERE.

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