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Category Design and the Stanford BASES 100K Challenge

On Feb 17th, Play Bigger's Al Ramadan will be conducting a virtual workshop on Category Design intended for founders and entrepreneurs competing in the Stanford Bases 100K Challenge.



The Stanford Bases 100K Challenge is an annual competition where over 80 start-ups in all stages simultaneously interact with experts from the entrepreneurial world while also seeking a stake in the $100,000 prize. There are four sectors: consumer, health, enterprise and social impact. These workshops are a learning opportunity for start-ups and entrepreneurs alike who are looking to launch and scale their idea in the real world.

The prize money is split across individual categories, with the winning start-up team receiving $45,000. The competition attracts over 200 aspiring companies per year, each of which are judged by a talented team of industry experts. Previous winners include Ravel, Boosted, and Biomimedica.

The Play Bigger workshop begins with a very human story about a challenge issued by Al’s wife, Christine. Following that, Al will jump into the theory and practice of category design using examples from his work with enterprises such as Qualtrics, Celonis and Dropbox. He'll introduce the Category Design Primer which covers core elements such as Process, Problem, Category Creation, POV, Blueprint, Lightning Strikes and Strike Operations. The workshop will close with an open forum Q&A.

If you are interested in more information on BASES 100K Challenge, you can contact Bethany Chen and Spencer Chemtob

Thank You,

The Play Bigger Team 

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