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PLAY BIGGER: Bianca Valenti WINS the Puerto Escondido Cup

Bianca Valenti continues to Play Bigger and take the surfing world by storm. Her latest victory at the Puerto Escondido Cup last weekend is just another step closer towards her goal of creating a new category in sport called women’s big wave surfing. Photo courtesy of: Isis Monte

The Puerto Escondido Cup was quite a big wave event. According to contest organizer Gary Linden, "It was the best women’s big wave surfing event he’d seen and that many of the women would have advanced through their same heats in a men’s event.” Now that's a ringing endorsement!

We congratulate Bianca and all the competitors and tip our hat to WSL Big Wave Executive Gary Linden for his continued support and for making the event such a great success.

Check out this article in the San Francisco Chronicle. 


Below video courtesy Sachi Cunningham and her upcoming SheChange documentary 

Thank you also too @surfopenleague @wsl #PuertoEscondidoCup 


VIDEO: Bianva Valenti wins Womens Heat interviewed by Shannon Reporting



Above photo courtesy of: Sachi Cunningham

G0210611 foto Barrchi

Above photo courtesy of: Barrchi

Bianca_Valenti-7712  foto Edwin Morales

Above photo courtesy of: Edwin Morales

You can read more about Bianca’s recent win in THIS GREAT article. 

Congrats, Bianca! We are proud to be associated with you and all the women playing bigger in sports, in business, and in life. 

Follow Bianca's Category Design Journey @beesoftheseas 

 The amazing video footage is courtesy of SheChange 

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