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2 New CD's and APAC Launch

Joining Play Bigger as a Category Designer in Residence (CDIR) is Naomi Allen. We first met Naomi when she was one of the founding members of Castlight Health. She is one of the most natural category designers we have met and is already working on one of our Category Design Immersion engagements. Prior to Castlight Health, Naomi worked in the healthcare & technology practice at McKinsey and Company. Please join us in welcoming Naomi to our team.

Announcing our new Category Queen: Bianca Valenti
Bianca is our first Sports Category Design Ambassador and is creating a new category of big wave surfing for women. It's mind boggling what she and her friends are up to. They recently released an amazing documentary called "It Ain't Pretty" and Bianca was just nominated for the WSL women's performance of the year award. If you are looking for a great speaker for an event, she is awesome and has some amazing images and video. In the meantime, if you see these "Outer Bars Babes" while surfing at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, say "Hi" and tell them you are friends of Play Bigger...

APAC Launch
Over the past couple of weeks a few of us have been busy down under... With over 3 billion people in the Asia Pacific region and new publishing agreements with publishers in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India & Oceania we figured it was time to launch our book in this vital region.

Australian Event
Australian Event
In conjunction with our sponsors, Monash University, Hachette Australia and Bolinda Audio, we hosted an event in Melbourne with a distinguished panel. John Bertrand kicked off the event with a warm introduction and some fun stories as only the winner of the Americas Cup can... He's like Joe Montana in Australia - a true sports and technology legend. Al Ramadan joined Rick Baker, Didier Elzinga, Samantha Wong and Jon McCormack on a panel to discuss the development of some of the leading regional category kings in Australia. The panel turned their attention to Australia's first global category king - Atlassian - and the profound impact they are having on the ecosystem and the renaissance of the Australian Tech industry.

You can read an article on Australia here: Playing Bigger in Australia

Additional coverage at:
Startup PlayBook Podcast
Morgans Financial Podcast
Australian Research

Singapore Event
Singapore Event
In conjunction with one of the most prestigious academic institutions in South East Asia - Singapore Management University and partner Out Position, Play Bigger held an event for entrepreneurs, CEOs, Venture Capitalists and other members of the Singapore Tech industry. Al Ramadan was joined by a distinguished panel: Alex Campbell, Rosaline Koo, Chris Mazza, Shirley Wong and Ted Tschang, to discuss the emerging tech industry in Singapore and South East Asia. One of the interesting topics was the creation of regional kings taking ideas and models from China and the USA and adapting them for their local markets. Some of the leaders include PropertyGuru, Lazarda, Grab and Garena.

You can read an article on Singapore here: Playing Bigger in Singapore

A late night fireside chat was held at the beautiful The Great Room Offices where 50 entrepreneurs had a chance to discuss category design with Alex from Xero and Al Ramadan.
You can watch the Great Room Fireside Chat here: Fireside Chat

Clear Metal
Congratulations to Adam and his team at Clear Metal who are rapidly becoming the category king of Predictive Logistics. The Port of Singapore - perhaps the most advanced and influential port in Asia - announced an investment in Clear Metal. Adam also appeared on Bloomberg. Follow Adam and team at @ClearMetalInc.

Excited to see the team at Qualtrics blow the doors of a brand new category called Experience Management. At their recent event in Salt Lake city, Michael Phelps, Sir Elton John, Bode Miller and Clayton Christensen talked about the experience gap between our biased internal view of the experience we deliver compared with the external world experience. Its a giant problem impeding the growth of business and individuals. They also announced the emergence of X-Data and the Qualtrics XM platform with solutions for Company, Employee, Brand and Product Experience. Ryan Smith and his team are legendary category designers and they are one of the most exciting enterprise cloud companies to emerge in the past few years. The next decade will be fascinating to watch. You can follow them at @Qualtrics.

Treasure Data
So stoked for Hiro and crew at Treasure Data, Inc. on launching a whole new category and raising $25 million to bring it home. Treasure Data was also voted the hottest 50 companies to work for. Follow Hiro and his team at @TreasureData.

Phenom People
Mahe and his team at Phenom People are crushing it in a new category called Talent Relationship Marketing . They recently won the top HR product from HR Exec magazine.
@phenom_people fundamentally changing how you find your dream job.

New Play Bigger Audio Book
Play Bigger
In response to demand from many of our friends outside the USA, we are delighted to announce that Bolinda Audio is releasing a new audio book spoken in the Queens English.
More details available at: Bolinda Audio

If you are interested in following us on social media, you can find us at:

Twitter: @playbigger
LinkedIn: Play Bigger

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